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Board of Directors

Executive Board

John Kasak

John Kasak

Letter From The President

The Chamber offers us so many opportunities to make our businesses stronger and to network with other business owners in our community. They help us build relationships both in our business and personal lives. They work with our political leaders in the community to make sure the voice of our members is heard.
The Chamber is here to support the businesses in our community and see us thrive and grow. That is only one part of it, though: just like a kid in school, the teacher can only do so much. The kid has to put in effort and study if they want to get something out of the teaching.
The same goes for our members. The Chamber can set up the mixers, ribbon cuttings, lead groups and events but unless members take advantage of these things you will not get anything out of it.  We should want to get to know the other businesses in the community! So much of what gets done is because of "who" you know not just about "what" you know. As a business owner, you may spend tons of money advertising, but what if your next best customer was just at the last chamber event and you missed them!
This brings me to my goals for 2024. I want to double the attendance at our Chamber mixers, ribbon cuttings and max our events so more members have a chance to build relationships and find new customers. I want the Chamber to build stronger relationships with the City and County. My third goal is to double our membership, which will help us reach our first two goals. To do this I am asking every chamber member to ask one other business they know, that is not a member of the Chamber to join this year. For those of you who attend our events, invite a friend to go with you next time and introduce them to everyone you know. Get involved with the Chamber's Government Relations committee so we do have a voice on the future of our community. Having a strong chamber gives us the ability to have a say in the way our community grows but we need to have enough business as members to have a bigger impact. I know we can do this if everyone puts in the effort.
I am looking forward to what 2024 will bring to our community and what our chamber will look like if we meet these goals. Again, I am excited to be your President this year. Let's make our future bright!
- John Kasak, 2024 President
Josh McDougal

Joshua McDougal


Anderson Columbia

Brent Williams

Brent Williams


SeaCoast Bank


Rachel Garland

Rachel Garland